Covers (& contents) of Fox Pockets series uncovered...
Adele Wearing and the wonderful skulk at Fox Spirit Press have just released the cover art and content lists of two anthologies I'm...
Cover of Drag Noir revealed
Great cover designed by S.L. Johnson for forthcoming Drag Noir anthology edited by K.A Laity and featuring my short story, 'The Changeling'.
Two more acceptances!
Some lovely news! Two of my short stories have been accepted for anthologies -'The Cillini', a tale of a strange homecoming has been...
Launch of Hauntings anthology 31st July 2014
The Hauntings launch party was organised by the fabulous Hic Dragones Press in Manchester on Thursday 31st July at the International...
Girl at the End of the World anthology released
The Girl at the End of the World (Vol 1) featuring my short story of an individual apocalypse 'Coming Back' came out in print and on...